Make Truus happy again!

With the new year's auction on the planning, there is always one burning question... Who will be the next board? Now this year, Truus has heard there have been some troubles finding interested people. This makes her very sad. Does the new generation not have a heart for the association? Or could there be another reason? At least it cannot be the fear of the long-studying fine anymore, nor could it be the fear of partying too hard and studying too little. Truus really doesn’t understand and has been crying for weeks already. Who does not want to be announced as the next board at the New Year's auction? The place where all vintage climbing gear is sold, where people pay too much for stickers, and where people auction themselves for the dumbest ideas! Truus has even heard our old auctioneer has retired and someone incredible will take over! Who it is… you will see that night.

Does this all make you curious about the New Year's auction? Join the night! Does it make you curious about what you will do as board of TSAC? We will tell you! Doing a board year is spending an amazing year with friends, making memories for life! Like prusiking 37m up on Excalibur because you did not defend the flag enough. You’ll find climbing buddies from all SACs in the Netherlands. You are going on a board weekend both with your board and all SAC boards, joining all cobos, partying all night long at diesses, and making new members just as enthusiastic about TSAC as you are! Besides all this fun, a board year also comes with responsibilities. You’ll learn how to be convincing, how to delegate, how to state your opinion, how to answer questions professionally, and how to solve the most diverse problems. “What will you do if the sports centre fills all the holes in the concrete wall again?” “What will you do if beer runs out on a dies?” and “What hoodies, stickers and T-shirts will there be next year again?”. All things, you and your board can decide on! And after this year, you’ll have made friends forever. If you still have questions after reading this? Contact one of the (old-)board members. Or anyone from PubliCie. Because we have all done a board year. And the best of it... During it, we had the time of our lives!

Love, the PubliCie.
Daan, Joyce, Meike^2 & Sijmon

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