Auntie Truus: belaytionship on distance

Small disclaimer: this blog-post was not written in English but translated directly through Google-Translate. There might be some mistakes in translation, we're sorry.


Dear Truus,

It has now been a month since my belaytionship ended due to my partner's relocation. I still don't understand how this could have happened. I thought he was the one for me, but suddenly he was gone.

After being an emotional wreck for a few weeks, I decided to take a different approach to life. I thought it would be healthy for me to take some time to get to know other people, but the scurrying around isn't for me anyway.

I miss my training buddy and our morning sessions in Arqué after which I was unable to walk for the rest of the day. My heart is empty and I have no idea how to fill it again.


A desperate sports climber

Dear Desperate Sport Climber,

Sometimes people leave your life and new friends take their place. This can be tough, but you will have to go through it for a while. Better times are coming. In your case, it's not about a lost friend, but about a broken relationship. It pains me to read that the relationship could not be continued remotely. That says enough about how much effort he wants to put in for you. One relationship is more flexible than another, you clearly have little stretch in it. My advice is: cut off the contact completely, it's not worth it.

Foraging is not for every chicken, some prefer to stay alone and lonely in a small cage. Not every chicken has to be a free-range chicken, a floppy or corn chicken has just as much right to exist. Although the floppy chickens live less long, less happily, and has less space to live. So, above all, get away with it. It is good that you have tried to discover the world. Don't lock yourself up and keep searching. Open your eyes and heart. Because, as Tante Truus always says, an empty glass of beer is there to be filled. So it will be with your heart.

If you really want to stay alone, consider bouldering. This is a sport for lonely people, a desperate sport. But it could fill the time and void until you are ready to embark on a belaytionship. Success and strength.


Auntie Truus

P.S. Are you reading this, are you moved by the great advice, and do you need help yourself? Do not hesitate; Truus is there for every (T) SAC'er. Do you have a question, do you want to tell a story or do you need help in love? Send a message to

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