Muscular TSAC'ers with drugs discovered, arrested and removed

The Perco, a cup of strong news


ODENWALD - September 12, 2021, the way back from the TSAC bouldering weekend. There were only beginners on the weekend, so you can guess. It began at the end in an antique red car with four muscular male TSAC novices in it. They all thought they were very good at bouldering; flashing 9a's and bathangs wasn't just in their dreams anymore. Good bouldering naturally uses a large amount of pof. So much that everything was covered; clothing, face and hands, that is of course quite noticeable. And so did the German Polizei.


Someone in a gray hoodie, exhausted, covered in white powder, in the front seat at the wheel, obviously does not pass unnoticed by the police. Suddenly a riot police van with ten armed soldiers of the Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (SWAT, ed.) appeared behind the red car. They were cut off abruptly and wedged into the guardrail. The ten gunmen jumped out of the van and surrounded the red car. “Achtung, aussteigen und Kopf nach Grund”, it echoed über die Autobahn. With guns drawn, they escorted the four muscular TSAC men out of the car and were pushed to the ground. The four muscular TSAC men tried to overpower the riot squad but due to the amount of muscle pain they had, they surrendered anyway. This was a bad choice as they were immediately led into the van blindfolded.


Unfortunately, these four muscular TSAC men were never heard from again. We think this is a shame… Fortunately, a new (hopefully even more muscular) TSAC batch is on the way, and ten percent losses are allowed! If you do hear anything from these TSAC members, we would like to hear from you. Please send an email to:


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