News of

New years auction

Dear TSAC member,

On Monday the 18th of January there will be another New Year's auction. There is obviously no better way to start the new year than to buy a bunch of climbing related gear you didn't even know you wanted! The proceeds will go to TSAC and be used to make the association even more fun than it already is!

The activity will take place online on our discord server this year. At 20:00 the auction will start and it will last till approximately 22:00. Afterwards this will continue with a fun online drink.

If you are not yet included in the TSAC discord, you can reach it with the link send in the mail of the new years auction

If you have anything you'd like to put up for auction, send the board an email and we will make the arrangements to have your item auctioned. You can put up your old climbing gear, yourself or almost literally anything else for auction. 


We hope to see all of you at the auction!

Board 41

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Climbing with the new measurements

Due to the current corona measures, the following conditions for climbing will apply in the near future.

The sports center is open, which means that trainings and climbing evenings will continue!

The time slots in Arque have been stopped since our own hall is open again. You can register for indoor evenings and training sessions in our google sheet. 

If you have registered and are unable to come, please let us know as soon as possible. If you do not show up several times, we may only let you train/climb if there are places left. This way we can give more members the opportunity to use our facilities.

Climbing on the outside wall is also possible, but at the moment this may only be suitable for fighters.

Additional information can be found on the corona page.

Hopefully this will give you some more clarity about the current situation regarding the corona measures. If you have any questions about something, you can always reach us by e-mail (or whatsapp)!

( by , latest modification: by Jaro Kuiken)

Open evenings

Dear potential member,  

The TSAC open evenings will take place on September 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 and 17.

Open evenings are held in SC3 in the Sports Centre from 21:00 to 23:00.

There is a limited capacity per open evening,. Signing up through the google form is already expired, but if you still want to come you can send an email to and I will see if there is still a possibility to join.

If you did register but didn't receive an email, please also contact us.

For questions you can also send an email to

( by , latest modification: by Floor van Ruiten)

All activities cancelled due to Corona Virus

This is the promised update about the circumstances due to the corona virus. Unfortunately, we need to cancel the upcoming activities, which will hold at least until April 6.

This means that fall of the wall drinks will be canceled. We regret to tell you that the beginner weekend is also cancelled.
We cannot make any statements about the other climbing weekends yet. We will keep a close eye on the advice of RIVM and NKBV. We try to indicate a week in advance whether a weekend will continue or not. The deadline for registration is already expired by then, so if you want to go along, you will have to register on time.

If you already have climbing plans, take a good look at all the recommendations. It is currently prohibited to climb in Belgium.

Furthermore, we will no longer lend any materials from the TSAC. We cannot do this, because of the closure of the sports center.

We hope that the conditions improve as soon as possible, so we can start climbing again all together.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.


( by , latest modification: by Richard Brinkman)

Climbing evenings in Arqué!

Update: Due to the Corona measures, this deal has been cancelled.

The climbing wall in SC3 has been out of use for way too long already and we all miss our weekly climbing evenings. To solve this problem temporarily, we arranged that until the climbing wall will be safe again we can move our climbing evening to climbing centre Arqué! You are welcome there on every Monday evening starting 02-03-2020, from 21:00 to 23:00. You will not be charged any additional costs.

Feel welcome and come climb again!

Climbing centre Arqué 
J J Van Deinselaan 20, 7541 BR Enschede
Monday evenings from 21:00 tot 23:00

We expect our own climbing wall to be safe and climbable around Easter.

( by , latest modification: by Richard Brinkman)

Open Evenings February

Did you always wanted to climb? Or do you already know you want to become a member of the TSAC? These open evenings are just what you need!


There are open evenings coming at the TSAC soon. These will take place Tuesday the 4th of February, Thursday the 6th of February, Tuesday the 11th of February and Thursday the 13th of February from 21:00 till 23:00. The location is SC3 in the sportcentrum on the campus of the UT. The evenings are free and you also don’t need to take anything with you. We will take care of everything and everyone can join.


During the open evenings there will of course be possibilities to climb a lot. Furthermore there will be a short presentation with information about our association. We would also like to have a drink in the sport cantine afterwards.


If you really like the association, these evenings are also the right moment to join. Open evenings are the only possibilities to become a member of the TSAC and the next open evenings are only in September.


We would like to see you there!


When? 4th, 6th, 11th and 13th of February

What time? Van 21:00 tot 23:00

Where? Sportcentrum at the UT, SC3

For who? Everybody

( by , latest modification: by Jan van den Berg)

Clean Truus

posterTo give Truus a fresh start of this year the FacCie is looking for people on 2 February that have some spare time to take care of the yearly cleaning of Truus. All of this is necessary to let everybody mount Truus many more times. The cleaning of the betonwand will start at 10:00h and finish at around 16:00h. De FacCie will make sure that your bellies will be filled throughout the entire activity TSAC style.

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