The batavierenrace is a relay race from Nijmegen to Enschede. We always form a team with the TSAC and we try to beat all to other SAC's. After the race, the rivalism stops and we have a diner all together after which we go to the party.
Climbing championships
The tsac organises two climbing championships every year (if it is possible). One championship is for sportsclimbing and the other for bouldering. There are different categories, so everyone can show what he/she can on his/her own level.
The laddercompetition gets organised every year, just before the christmas break. During this competition, all members get divided in equal teams, with whom they need to climb as much routes as possible in the hall to achieve points. The less people climb a certain route, the more points you will get for it. The team which has most points at the ending of the competition wins a delicious pie and the beautifull challenge trofy.
Once in a while, the Accie organises a nice drink for all the members. Often a theme gets attached to this drink.
Theme evenings
A couple of times every year, the Accie organises a climbing theme evening. At this night, the hall gets transformed into a certain theme and everyone will be climbing dressed up. Furthermore, we try to organise a climbing games evening once a year, to make tsac'ers challenge each other in different ways of climbing.