
To contact the TSAC you can go to the following persons:


For all questions about the association you can send an e-mail to the board at


For all questions regarding your sign-up, membership, or changes in your personal information, you can send an e-mail to the secretary at


For all questions about finances, you can send the treasurer an e-mail at

Confidential Contact Person​

Are you not really okay or did something bad happen and do you want to talk about it? You can contact the confidential contact persons of the TSAC, who's information you can find here. If you would rather speak to someone outside the TSAC, you can also find some options there.


Did you encounter a bug on the website or you would like to request additional features or if you want to have a sneak preview of upcoming changes, visit the issues tracker. To enter new issues, you have to login to Gitlab using a Gitlab, Google, Twitter, Github or Bitbucket account. If you have other questions regarding the website you can send an e-mail to


If you would like to send a postcard from a nice climbing area, you can send it to:

Twentse Studenten Alpen Club
Sportcentrum - Universiteit Twente
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede

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