The PubliCie

Who are we?

The Publicie is one of TSAC’s five pillars (committees) and takes care of the publications. You will find more information below. Our committee consists of those who love to share their stories with the rest of the association.

The Blog

The Blog has replaced the old TSAC bulletin, the Theeblaadje. On the blog TSAC members share their stories and adventures during their time at the TSAC If you have had a fun experience you would like to share with the association grab a pen and let the rest of TSAC read bout it. Photographs are also welcome. You can send them to


Once a month we have a meeting; first we have supper together and then we start our meeting. We discuss what everyone is up to, what still has to be done and we try and think of fun ideas we can carry out. Sometimes, when we are in a creative mood, we will brainstorm after the meeting. At nine the hall opens, so then it’s time to end the meeting and go climbing as that still is the most important thing within our association.

There are various tasks and functions within the Publicie. We have a president who sets the agendas for the meetings he or she chairs. The board has a listener who keeps the board informed on us and our activities. Luckily all the other stuff in the committee just revolves around writing stories and updating the blog. Easy peasy lemon squezy.

Do you love writing, taking pictures, or making videos? The Publicie can always use enthusiastic people to strengthen our team. Talk to one of our committee members or send us an e-mail if you are seriously interested in joining our committee. If you want, you can attend a meeting, no strings attached, and maybe take on a small task. For further questions please contact
If you have an amazing story to share, but don't want to have to keep doing work after that you can also send us an email.

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