Within TSAC several courses can be followed, these can be divided into two types:
Climbing courses Members can follow climbing courses and get an official climbing certificate—called a "klimvaardigheidsbewijs" (KVB) in Dutch—from the Dutch Climbing & Mountaineering Association (NKBV). These certifications are acknowledged in the Netherlands and Belgium and some climbing gyms require you to show this card before you are allowed to climb there;
Instructor courses For the more experienced climbers it is possible to follow an instructor course. When you pass your instructor exam you get a diploma and a license that is registered at the NKBV. You are only allowed to act as an instructor if you have an active license, each year you have to renew your license by following certain refresher courses.
Climbing courses
TNO organizes the indoor climbing courses and parts of the outdoor climbing courses. In the course schedule you can find the exact dates and times at which the courses are given and how to apply for them.
Indoor Toprope (KVB-IT)
This course is mandatory for all new TSAC-members who aren’t already in possession of this certification. With this certification a member is allowed to toprope in the Sports Centre if there is a zaalwacht present.
Course material Indoor Toprope
Indoor Lead Climbing (KVB-IV)
This course is a follow up for the Indoor Toprope course and meant for people who would like to lead climb on the walls of the Sports Centre. With this certificate a member is allowed to toprope and lead climb on all the walls of the Sports Centre without supervision of a zaalwacht when climbing with at least two others who are equally or higher certified. To start this course a member has to be able to climb at least 3 routes on the concrete wall with relative ease.
Course material Indoor Lead Climbing
Outdoor Lead Climbing (KVB-OV)
The course is a follow up for the Indoor Lead Climbing course and meant for people who want to start rock climbing. With this certificate you are allowed to climb properly bolted single-pitch routes if there is an instructor present in the area. You can also get the additional qualifications Multi-Pitch & Trad (Traditional) climbing.
Course material Outdoor Lead Climbing
The qualification Multi-Pitch (KVB-OV-MP) climbing is meant for people who want to climb longer routes of several lengths. This course also covers several rescue techniques and the use of twin and half ropes. It is expected that these climbers can climb safely in properly bolted areas without direct supervision of an instructor.
The qualification Trad (KVB-OV-Trad) climbing is meant for people who want to climb non-bolted routes. In this course climbing on your own protection will be taught.
Instructor courses
TSAC is also acknowledged by the NKBV as an official training center for sport/rock climbing instructors. We offer the instructor courses level 2 and 3 ourselves, the courses level 4 and 5 are offered directly by the NKBV. All instructor courses are also certified by the Dutch Olympic Committee according to their instructor qualifications (KSS). If you would like to follow an instructor course you can contact TSAC's training center by sending an email to
Instructor Level 2 – "Sportklimbegeleider" (SKB2)
A sportklimbegeleider can act as a climbing guide or assistant instructor. When guiding inexperienced climbers or assisting with courses a sportklimbegeleider is under (indirect) supervision of a sportkliminstructeur. There are two distinct licenses based on climbing level:
Sportklimbegeleider 2 Indoor Toprope (SKB2-IT) Can guide activities in the climbing hall, such as climbing workshops, as well as assist with the Indoor Toprope course and supervise topropers at the walls of the UT as a zaalwacht.
Sportklimbegeleider 2 Outdoor (SKB2-Outdoor) Can guide inexperienced climbers on climbing weekends in terrain for which they hold a KVB themself, as well as assist with climbing courses in which they hold a KBV.
Instructor Level 3 – "Sportkliminstructeur" (SKI3)
A sportkliminstructeur is a climbing instructor. As such, the sportkliminstructeur is ultimately responsible for a climbing course or the climbing activity on a weekend. The sportkliminstructeur is also allowed to certify climbers up to the level in which they hold an instructor license. There are three distinct licenses based on climbing level, in some cases additional qualifications can be attained:
Sportkliminstructeur 3 Indoor Toprope (SKI3-IT) Can give the Indoor Toprope course and certify climbers with the KVB-IT.
Sportkliminstructeur 3 Indoor Voorklimmen (SKI3-IV) Can give both the Indoor Toprope and Indoor Lead Climbing course and certify climbers up to the KVB-IV.
Sportkliminstructeur 3 Outdoor Voorklimmen (SKI3-OV) Can give the indoor courses as well as the Outdoor Lead Climbing course and certify climbers up to the KVB-OV. In addition, on regular climbing weekends he is responsable the climbing activities on location. The following qualifications can be added to the license:
The qualification Multi-Pitch Instructor (SKI3-OV-MP) to give the similarly named course and certify climbers with the KVB-OV-MP.
The qualification Trad Instructor (SKI3-OV-Trad) to give the similarly named course and certify climbers with the KVB-OV-Trad.
Instructor Level 4 – "Praktijkbegeleider" (PB)
A Praktijkbegeleider is an Instructor Trainer. As such, a Praktijkbegeleider is allowed to supervise instructors in training during activities for which they hold an instructor license themself.
Instructor Level 5 – "Leercoach" (LC) & "Beoordelaar" (BE)
A Leercoach takes on role of Mentor for instructors in training. Each new instructor in training gets assigned a Leercoach, as such the Leercoach will be the first point of contact for that instructor for questions regarding their training. In return the Leercoach guards the progress of the instructor's training.
A Beoordelaar is an Instructor Examiner. A Beoordelaar is allowed to supervise the instructor exam of an instructor, as long as the Beoordelaar wasn't involved in the instructor's training, and holds an instructor license themself at the level of the exam.